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Will Self – The Book of Dave Will Self
Signed by the author .
Condition: unused
Price: Offers around £8

Sandi Toksvig – Hitler’s Canary
Signed by the author .
Condition: new
Price: Offers around £15

Pat Cherr:
The Lion in Fact and Fiction
Signed by the author .
Condition: good
Price: Offers around £10

The Story of the First Queen Elizabeth
Condition: very good
Price: Offers around £15

Harold Evans: My Paper Chase: True Stories of Vanished Times
Published in 2009
Condition: good
Price: Offers around £7

Garson Kanin:
Tracy and Hepburn
Published in 1972
Condition: used
Price: Offers around £7

The Encyclopedia of Land Invertebrate Behaviour – Rod & Ken Preston-Mafham
Published in 1993
Condition: Very good (no dust jacket)
Price: Offers around £10

Maps & their Makers
Dawson. Archon Books
Condition: used
Price: Offers around £7

Life & Good Times of the Rolling by Philip Norman
Published 1989
Condition: Very good
Price: Offers around £5

The Good Solder.
Ford Madox Ford
Dawson. Ford Madox Ford
Condition: Gold leaf pages – New condition
Price: Offers around £15

The Return by Hakan Nesser
Author: Hakan Nesser
Published 2007
Condition: good
Price: Offers around £4

South Africa
Author: Sarah Gertrude Millin
Published 1941
Condition: used
Price: Offers around £20

The Kemsley Manual of Journalism
Author: FLEMING, Ian (contrib.) KEMSLEY, Viscount (ed.)
Signed by the author .
Condition: used/good
Price: Offers around £55

Dream Days
Author: Kenneth Grahame
Condition: good/used
Price: Offers around £20

Galaxy stories and writings collected by Gabrielle Maunder
Author: Gabrielle Maunder
Condition: excellent
Price: Offers over £20

Red Carpets And Other Banana Skins
Author: Rupert Everett
Condition: excellent
Price: Offers around £5
Done up to here 21.10.21

Author: Alastair Campbell
Condition: Excellent
First Edition
Price: £3

The Cuckoo’s Calling
Author: Robert Galbraith
Condition: Good
Price: Offers around £80

Murder in the Marais
Author: Cara Black
Signed by the author, second edition.
Condition: excellent
Price: £30

Dream Days
Author: Kenneth Grahame
Condition: good
Price: Offers around £5 (avarage web price £15)

The Lord of the Rings Trilogy (Extended Edition Box Set)
Excelent condition & appears to be unused
Offers around £30* *negotiable
Postage & packaging FREE in UK.

The Lord of the Rings Trilogy (Extended Edition Box Set)
Excelent condition & appears to be unused
Offers around £30* *negotiable
Postage & packaging FREE in UK.